
Interview with Nadya Suleman with Kids

This is an interview with Nadya Suleman from Radar Online with some of her kids in the room. This interview is from March 3rd. She talks about her new house, which she's already moved into so that news is a little old. But you get a glimpse at what life is like in Nadya's house with her brood.

In the beginning one of the kids is whining and hitting her. Then through the rest of the interview you can hear the kids in the background and it ends with them playing on a trampoline.

If Nadya can have 6 kids 7 and under and not go insane and pull all her hair out with all that noise, whining, crying, and hitting and wanted more, she really must be some kind of Super Mom, or as her Mom says, obsessed with kids.

Seems she would be in heaven running a day care center. She could of just had a few kids and spent everyday working in a daycare center surrounded with kids. But then she wouldn't be famous.

Well, Nadya is better than me, because I would go absolutely bat crazy with all that whining, noise, and chaos in the house, but she seems to always keep her cool. Is she on sedatives or anxiety meds or is she so naturally calm?

Here is the link to watch the video on Radar Online, which doesn't allow you to embed their videos.


Nadya is Asked About OctoDad

Nadya Suleman hates talking about the father of her 14 kids. Nobody but Nadya knows the identity of the OctoDad. That's sad that she won't allow her own kids to know who their own father is-don't they have a right to know?

Nadya has "no comment" on a lot of questions and won't reveal much. The only thing she says is that he's not American, he's a platonic friend only, and she reluctantly reveals he lives in California.

She also said she'll never reveal his identity.

Guess her 14 kids will have a lot of questions for the both of them when they get older and start asking questions about, "Who's Dad?" and "Where's Dad?" and "Why doesn't Dad ever come see us?"

Nadya Explains Why She Fired Free Nannies

In this interview with Radar Online, who pays Nadya Suleman for her interviews, Nadya explains why she fired the free Angels in Waiting Nannies.

Fired Nanny Speaks Out Against Octomom

A fired Nanny from Angels in Waiting, who provided free 24 hour child care for Nadya Suleman's kids spoke out about her chaotic experience in Nadya's home.

She said the 6 older kids ran wild, had no type of routine or schedule, no bedtime, and would stay up until 2am. She said a child escaped at 2am and she had to go outside to get him.

She said Nadya's home was chaotic and that was an understatement.

It's also been reported by Nannies that Nadya has nothing or little to do with her kids unless the cameras are rolling. And when there's no cameras rolling she's either out shopping or in her room by herself and has nothing to do with the kids while the Nannies take care of them.

Nadya's Secret to Weight Loss

Nadya Suleman says she gained 130 pounds while pregnant with her octuplets. 130 pounds? Whoa!

She has had rapid weight loss and says she has about 40 more pounds to lose.

Her secret was two simple words. Constantly moving.

Nadya Suleman Gets 120 Boxes of Freebies

A lot of people are having compassion for the Octomom. Her former publicist had a van bring 120 boxes of donated items such as diapers and clothing. She said it would be like Christmas for Nadya, opening all those boxes. Looks like she will never have to spend a single penny on diapers or clothing for her brood of 14.

Guess you need to have a lot of kids for the public to show support like this.

Someone Doesn't Like Octomom

Nadya Suleman's rear window of her van was smashed with a car seat. Someone who lives nearby and doesn't like Octomom got a car seat and threw it hard in the back window of her van in the early morning hours. No one witnessed it and everyone was in the home-possibly sleeping-unless the babies needed feeding. Well, at least she got another freebie. Maybe Dr. Phil or Radar Online will pay for the replacement to her rear window.