
Nadya Sulmen Gets Piled With Freebies

Octomom and her brood of 14 are getting tons of freebies from all over.

Nadya is getting 24 hour care for her 14 kids 24 hours a day.

Dr. Phil has donated an unknown amount to Nadya and set up a donation page on his website. At least Oprah has some sense in her brain and didn't buy her a new house or something. Oprah is known for being generous and has bought previous guests in need new houses or cars.

Angels in Waiting is offering 12 volunteers a day to help with the preemies.

As for Nadya's new house, she is getting new hardwood floors,
rocking chairs, changing tables, armoires, dressers and bunk beds. A company is also designing her nursery.

Everything is free.

Many companies and individuals have offered Nadya various freebies.

Nadya must feel very blesssed and lucky to get so much help.


  1. I think all of this is unbelievable. This woman knew exactly what she was doing from the very beginning. In her eyes she has become a celebrity and has gotten freebies from all over the world. It is sick. Here in the US families are struggling to put food on the table and a roof over their heads and this lunitic has a litter of 8 and people are handing her anything and everything left and right. It is shameful!!!!!!!Somebody please take ALL those kids away from this insane woman

  2. Where is CPS when you really need them. Why are they not stepping in to take these kids away. Nadya should be ashamed of herself for letting her mothers house get foreclosed on and then having 8 damn kids with no job, and sitting on government handouts. Just makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
